Placa del Vi

From €3,000/month · City Apartments · Monthly Rental



The apartment is completely renovated and furnished with high quality finishes without losing the essence and soul of the building, it has balconies with wrought iron railings and it has natural light from three facades. There are views on Pont de Pedra, one of Girona´s most emblematic bridges.
The day area, includes a completely open surface where the kitchen, dining room and living room are one open space. The apartment has two bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a jacuzzi. Thanks to the balconies on both sides of the facades (west and east), the multifunctional area is flooded with natural light and has cross ventilation.

The night area, can look like an extension of the day area, since it is very connected. The master bedroom-suite and the library are completely connected, although they can be privatized by two sliding glass doors with metal profiles of industrial style. The main bedroom has a jacuzzi and complete bathroom.

El preu no inclou la comissió de l´agència ni el dipòsit. 3 netejes incloses al mes. Exclou 250 euros/factures de subministrament.

L´apartament està totalment reformat i moblat amb acabats de gran qualitat sense perdre l´essència i l´ànima de l´edifici, disposa de balcons amb barana de ferro forjat i té llum natural des de tres façanes. Hi ha vistes al Pont de Pedra, un dels ponts més emblemàtics de Girona.
La zona de dia, inclou una superfície totalment oberta on la cuina, el menjador i la sala d´estar són un sol espai obert. Gràcies als balcons a banda i banda de les façanes (oest i est), la zona multifuncional està inundada de llum natural i disposa de ventilació creuada.

El dormitori-suite principal, el saló i la biblioteca estan completament comunicats, encara que es poden privatitzar mitjançant dues portes corredisses de vidre amb perfils metàl·lics d´estil industrial. El dormitori principal té jacuzzi i bany complet.

Girona is a city on a small scale with all the charm of a larger city. Take a leisurely stroll through the old town, visit the museums and the historic buildings, wander through the streets and squares, and discover the tourist attractions, festivals, restaurants, cultural events, etc. Enjoy it at any time of year and, if you can, come back again and again! This lively city will always hold something in store to delight you.
– Minimum stay: 31 nights
– Prices May – September: 5000 Euro/Month (4000 Euro/Month for 2 months stay – 3500 Euro/month for 3 months stay or longer)
– Prices October – May: 3000 Euro/Month
– Deposit: 3000 euro
– Commission apart
– 3 cleanings per month included.
– Excludes 250 euro/ utility bills.

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Carrer Avi Xaxu, Girona, Spain

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